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Chinese Music Classics of 20th Century – I/VI: Songs

Sep 25, 2009

Initiation of “Chinese Music Classics of 20th Century” award selection



Chinese contemporary music started in early 20th century. In July 1992, when the end of 20th century was approaching, then-fresh-established non-government organization Chinese Culture Promotion Society (CCPS) initiated an exceptional “Chinese Music Classics of 20th Century” Award, covering global Chinese community.

This award is aiming to summarize the achievement of Chinese music in the 20th century. The results of 124 award winners were released in November 1992. The award ceremony was held in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on Jun 5th, 1993.

However, given the complexity of contemporary Chinese history and political/cultural issues, the award selection encountered many problems from its initiation to results release. (… to be continued)

Part I: Songs (first half, till 1945, the end of WWII)

There are 49 songs were selected into this award list. 25 of them were written before 1945, during decades of Japanese Invasion. Most of these famous songs expressed the beauty of our motherland and/or encouraged people to stand up and fight against the invaders.


Chinese military leaders in World War II | by {link:http://www.flickr.com/photos/xuliqin/115830365/}xuliqin{/link}

You can click the English title links to music videos.

作品 Year Lyrics Music English Title w. video link
《黄河》 1905 杨度 沈心工 Yellow River
《大江东去》 1922 苏轼(宋) 青主 The Great River Flows To The East
《问》 1922 易韦斋 萧友梅 Question
《教我如何不想他》 1926 刘半农 赵元任 I Cannot Help Missing Her
《我住长江头》 1930 李之仪(宋) 青主 My Sentiment to the Yangtze River
《思乡》 1933 韦翰章 黄自 Missing Home
《渔光曲》 1934 安娥 任光 Song of Fisherman
《江城子》 1934 秦观(宋) 陈田鹤 Jiang Cheng Zi
《码头工人》 1934 百灵 聂耳 Dock Workers’ Song
《毕业歌》 1934 田汉 聂耳 Graduation Song
《救亡进行曲》 1935 周钢鸣 孙慎 March of Saving the Nation
《义勇军进行曲》 1935 田汉 聂耳 March of the Volunteers
《松花江上》 1936 张寒晖 张寒晖 On the Song Hua River
《岁月悠悠》 1936 黄嘉谟 江定仙 Time Passes
《中华民族不会亡》 1936 施谊 吕骥 Chinese Will Not Perish
《游击队歌》 1937 贺绿汀 贺绿汀 Song of Guerilla
《武装保卫山西》 1937 白炎 吕骥 Armed to Protect Shanxi
《大刀进行曲》 1937 麦新 麦新 Dadao March
《故乡》 1937 张帆 陆华柏 Homeland
《故乡》 1937 潘子农 刘雪庵 Homeland
《延安颂》 1938 莫耶 郑律成 Tribute to Yan’an
《嘉陵江上》 1939 端木蕻良 贺绿汀 On the Jialing River
《白云故乡》 1940s 韦翰章 林声翕 Cloud and Homeland
《在那遥远的地方》 1945 王洛宾 王洛宾 In A Far Away Land
《团结就是力量》 1945 卢肃 卢肃 Unity is Power

Please stay tuned and other parts will be posted soon!

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  1. October 7th, 2009 at 05:22 | #1

    special time, produces special songs

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