Travel »

[15 Oct 2009 | Comments Off on Residence of Gan Xi: its ‘ninety-nine and a half’ rooms | 2,771 views]
Residence of Gan Xi: its ‘ninety-nine and a half’ rooms

Gan Xi’s residence house began construction in Jiaqing era. Commonly known as “ninety-nine and a half rooms”, together with the Xiaoling Tomb of Ming, Nanjing Ming Dynasty City Wall are the “Three Landscapes of Ming and Qing Dynasties in Nanjing. With a high historical, scientific and tourism value, Gan Xi Residence is the largest and best preserved private house in Nanjing area.

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[13 Oct 2009 | Comments Off on Book Review: The Future Is ‘Superfusion’ | 2,240 views]
Book Review: The Future Is ‘Superfusion’

Zachary Karabell, an American author, historian, money manager and economist, is the President of River Twice Research, where he analyzes economic and political trends. With several 4-5 star books at hand, Karabell wrote a new book to tell us the story behind China’s rising economy and its “superfusion” with the United States.

Overall, this is a very good book for understanding the geopolitical and economical interactions between China and United States during the recent decades. It also sheds light upon current world economy issues from a unique angle.

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[8 Oct 2009 | One Comment | 1,212 views]
Ten Books That Shaped China and Chinese

Traditional Chinese culture is so extensive and profound that countless experts devote their entire life only to glimpse a piece. To select best of the best, Mei Chaorong (Wuhan University) chose the most influenced 10 masterpiece books from China’s Qin Dysnasty to late Qing Dynasty, among the greatest achievements, the highest value of 2000 years of Chinese culture. They include one translation work, two classic collections, three history books, and four philosophers.

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[1 Oct 2009 | 2 Comments | 1,176 views]
Happy Birthday, China!

Today, Oct. 1st, is the 60th Anniversary of People’s Republic of China. 60 years ago, in 1949, our grandfathers established the new China after a century of humiliating history. Now, we are living a decent life among 6 billion people on this crowded small planet Earth.

Culture exchange will bring people from different nations closer. We learned a lot from rest of the world. I wish rest of the world could also know us better. And I will make my own contribution here at

Scenic Splendor of China »

[28 Sep 2009 | Comments Off on Top 10 Mountains in China w. Google Earth links (I) | 11,836 views]
Top 10 Mountains in China w. Google Earth links (I)

Snow mountains are not a part of traditional Chinese aesthetics for some historic reason, esp. remote mountain region are the territory of minority ethnics. The infamous 五岳 (Five sacred mountains of China) only barely breach above 2000 meters.

When CNG started the Scenic Splendor of China selection, one of its goals is to introduce non-traditional aesthetics to Chinese people. They focused on those remote regions which have been ignored by traditional view.