Categories: Music

Chinese Music Classics of 20th Century – V/VI: Chamber, Concerto, National Orchestra

(Continues from Chinese Music Classics of 20th Century – IV/VI: Instrumental Solo)

Hongkong Chinese Orchestra

Follow-up activities

Once the list was published, the Central Conservatory of Music was commissioned to collect information for later text, sound publication. Then the first published plan was on the “People’s Daily” overseas edition. Starting from April 6 1993, three times a week, a 1000-word-or-so description about each work on the list was published.

On June 5 1993 in Beijing, the official awarding ceremony was held at the Great Hall of the People. Award winners and other VIP musicians were invited. Representative works from Mainland China, Hongkong, Taiwan were performed at the opening ceremony. Tracks are:

Butterfly Lovers, Violin Concerto

Mainland China: Li Huan “Spring Festival Overture“, Taiwan: Ma Shui-lung, “Bangdi Concerto“, Hong Kong: Chan Wing-wah, “Fei Du.” Ma Shui-long’s entry was conducted by Taiwan’s pioneer conductor Lv Shao-Jia.

Other selected works were performed later within ten days. But since the list is too long, not all works can be completely played out.

The Association also arranged series of concerts in Shanghai, Chengdu, Hong Kong, Macao, Singapore and even Taiwan. There were several record companies in Taiwan paying close attention to the event, and interested in recording all works of the list.

Chamber Music

作品 Year Composer Instrument English Title w. video link
小提琴与中提琴二重奏 1944 谭小麟 Duet for Violin and Viola
《小河淌水》 1980 钱南章 Flowing Stream
《Mong Dong》 1983 瞿小松 Mong Dong
《响晴》 1980s 罗永晖 Clear and Bright
弦乐四重奏第二号 1992 罗忠熔 Quartet for Strings No.2
弦乐十五重奏 1992 卢炎 Ensemble for Fifteen Strings
丝弦五重奏《跃龙》 1985 胡登跳 String Instruments Quintet Leaping Dragon
《蜀韵》 1995 贾达群 Flavour of Bashu


作品 Year Composer Instrument English Title w. video link
琵琶协奏曲《草原小姐妹》 1972 吴祖强、刘德海、王燕樵 Pipa The Heroic Little Sisters on the Grassland, Pipa
梆笛协奏曲 1981 马水龙 Bangdi Bandi(Bamboo Flute) Concerto
《汨罗江幻想曲》 1981 李焕之 Zheng Fantasia Miluo River
唢呐协奏曲《天乐》 1989 朱践耳 Suona Heavenly Music
小提琴协奏曲《梁祝》 1959 何占豪、陈钢 Violin Butterfly Lovers
《青年》 郭芝苑 Piano Youth
钢琴协奏曲《山林》 1979 刘敦南 Piano Mountain Forest
钢琴协奏曲《春之采》 1988 杜鸣心 Piano Essence of Spring
长笛协奏曲 1990 金载复 Flute Flute Concerto

National Orchestra

作品 Year Composer Instrument English Title w. video link
《赛龙夺锦》 1920s 何柳堂 Dragon Boat Race
《平湖秋月》 1930s 吕文成 Autumn Moon Over the Calm Lake
《流水操》 1979 彭修文
《秋诀》 1970s 林乐培
《灵界》 1980s 曾叶发
《千春乐》 1986 梁铭越
《春秋》 Spring and Autumn
《孔雀》 Peacock

Please stay tuned and other parts will be posted soon!

[Chinese Keyword]

Jensen Liu:
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