Music »

[5 Feb 2009 | Comments Off on Top 10 Chinese Classical Music – Part II | 4,434 views]

“Top 10 Chinese Classical Music – part I” continues
6. Flute & Drum Music at Dusk (夕阳萧鼓)

One of my favorites. It is one of the most popular Pipa pieces. In 1925,Shanghai Datong Music Society composed the famous “Blossoms on a Spring Moonlit Night ( 春江花月夜 )” based on this ancient Pipa solo.

Satire »

[2 Feb 2009 | Comments Off on 50 steps laughing at 100 steps | 4,803 views]

Storyteller: Today I will tell a story about a world-wide popular idiom. According to wikipedia, there are at least 29 different versions of this idiom in different languages. The English version is: “Pot calling the kettle black”.
50 steps laughing at 100 steps
During the Warring States Period of China, there was a king in the state of Liang. He liked to drive his people into war fighting with neighboring states. One day, he met Mencius, and asked: “As a king, I think I govern the state fairly well.  If there is …

Music »

[30 Jan 2009 | 14 Comments | 28,673 views]
Top 10 Chinese Classical Music – Part I


Honestly, Chinese classical music is not as good as western music. Its theoretical basis was too poor comparing to western music.  A famous Chinese philosopher Feng, You-Lan said: Anybody who knows both eastern and western music would prefer western music; however, anybody who knows both eastern and western philosophy would prefer eastern philosophy.  So, from this point of view, to know Chinese classical music is a very good way to understand Chinese philosophy, since Chinese music is influenced by the eastern philosophy and integrated into life style of Chinese culture.
Here …

Chengyu »

[28 Jan 2009 | Comments Off on Satisfying Hunger with Picture Cakes | 1,235 views]

Storyteller: Look at the pie picture on the right. Isn’t it delicious? At the moment of looking at it, probably you start to secret saliva and your stomach starts to rumble. But stop! You remind yourself: “It’s just a picture. Don’t feed on illusions”. In english, we use this phrase “to feed on illusions” to describe unrealistic fantasy. In Chinese, there is a idiom and a story for the same idea.
Satisfying Hunger with Picture Cakes
During the period of Three Kingdoms (208-280 A.D.), there was a man named Lu, Yu in …

Chengyu »

[25 Jan 2009 | Comments Off on Cup Water in Firefighting | 918 views]

Storyteller: You must have heard the 700B dollar TARP money from the government.  Hope it can help the falling banks and make our economic system run right again. But some people are skeptical.  They think that comparing to trillions of bad assets and leveraged losses the banks have, 700B is nothing, is too insufficient to achieve anything.  There is a Chinese idiom to describe this kind of situation.
Cup Water in Firefighting
One day, a man named “Big Zhao” passed a tea shop, carrying a cart full load of firewood.  He stopped, …