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Scenic Splendor of China »

[25 Aug 2009 | 2 Comments | 2,411 views]
Top 8 Coasts in China with Google Earth Links (II)

Here are the rest four of top 8 coasts in China.

Located 15km south of the famous Bei-Dai-He resort, Changli beach was not discovered for tourism development until early 1980s, when a geographer from Chinese Academy of Science found this 52.1km long beach and called it China’s “Golden Beach”, comparing it to the Queensland one.

Scenic Splendor of China »

[30 Jul 2009 | Comments Off on Top 8 Coasts in China with Google Earth Links (I) | 1,745 views]
Top 8 Coasts in China with Google Earth Links (I)

China has nearly three million square kilometers of sea territory and coastline of 32,000 kilometers long, 18000 km of which is the mainland coastline and the rest is islands coastline. Its northern starting point is at the mouth of Yalu River estuary (boundary between China and North Korea) and its southern end is at the mouth of Beilun River estuary (boundary between China and Vietnam)

Here, I will introduce you 4 of top 8 most beautiful coastal sceneries in China with google earth links. Let’s embrace the sea!