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Scenic Splendor of China »

[2 Jan 2010 | Comments Off on Top 10 Canyons in China w. Google Earth Links (II) | 2,918 views]
Top 10 Canyons in China w. Google Earth Links (II)

Taroko Gorge, located in downstream of Liwu Creek, near the entrance of the Central Cross-Island Highway. Taroko Gorge in eastern Taiwan is one of the most famous scenic mountain resorts. Taroko means “great mountains” in native language. As Liwu Creek water erosion constantly cuts through the uplift crust, the marble rock is exposed, thus forming the steep Taroko Gorge landscapes. 20 km-long Taroko Gorge is the world’s largest marble canyon.

Scenic Splendor of China »

[3 Dec 2009 | 2 Comments | 2,964 views]
Top 10 Canyons in China w. Google Earth Links (I)

One of the most popular places of interest in the United States is Colorado Grand Canyon. Besides its unique landscape, it is also known as the longest (446km) canyon in the world until 1994. In 1994, a team of geologists confirmed that the Yarlung Zangbo Grand Canyon on the Yarlung Zangbo River is the longest and deepest canyon in the world.