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Articles tagged with: Warring Sates

Chengyu »

[18 Sep 2010 | Comments Off on It’s Never Too Late to Mend the Fence | 2,667 views]
It’s Never Too Late to Mend the Fence

Today let me begin the story with a popular music video (one of the most viewed on youtube with 89+ million views as of today). In the song, the lyrics say “It’s too late to apologize…”. However, I kind of agree with one of commentator said: it’s NEVER too late to apologize. In everyday life, in our social or romantic relationships, when mistakes and misunderstandings happen, we need to apologize to mend the damage.

Chengyu »

[16 Aug 2010 | Comments Off on Draw a Snake and Add Feet to it | 3,870 views]
Draw a Snake and Add Feet to it

“Less is more”. This is a popular motto quoted by graphic designers and lots of other professionals. The opposite is also a good one: “More is less.”

Flowers are beautiful as they are, over decorating them only make them ugly; things should be done appropriately, no more, no less. Overdoing a thing only diminishes it.

Museum »

[12 Jun 2010 | Comments Off on Big Zhuke Ding Tripod of Chu: Mightiest since Zhou Dynasty | 1,806 views]
Big Zhuke Ding Tripod of Chu: Mightiest since Zhou Dynasty

This is a bronzeware cooking vessel made by State of Chu, in Warring States Period. It was unearthed at Tomb of King of Chu in Zhujiaji, Shou, Anhui Province.

Shou, aka Shouchun in ancient times, served as the last capital city of State of Chu for 19 years. There are rich relics buried in this region. This tripod is one of the most precious ones. Zhuke Ding is the top second national treasure bronze ding unearthed in China so far. Its size and weight are only after Simuwu Tetrapod.

Chengyu »

[15 May 2010 | Comments Off on Snipe and Clam Fight, Fisherman Gets Both | 3,054 views]
Snipe and Clam Fight, Fisherman Gets Both

Today’s story is well presented in the short animated movie above. You might have already noticed its unique form — Ink and Wash Painting animated film. In 1960, ink-and-wash animated films appeared in China and caught the attention of the world as a breakthrough in the forms of expression and aesthetic conception in animated films.

The story told in this short film was told 2,200+ years ago in the Warring States Period. And it successfully prevented a deadly war between two states.