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[27 Oct 2012 | One Comment | 4,186 views]
Porcelain Art’s Inspiration to the World – A Philosophical Commentary

Life is limited, so life is all about to transcend time, and to resist the passage of time. We have comprehended this point in Heidegger’s philosophy. Therefore, as an existence, painting expresses ideas and emotions. It is meant to solidify the time in order to transcend time. Externalization of emotion is mental transcendence of flesh, and expression of idea is transcendence of spiritual world beyond material world. Both have to be accomplished through solidify the time. This relies on its material: canvas, paint, ink, or rice paper, etc.

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[8 Mar 2010 | Comments Off on Yangliuqing New Year Pictures: The Ultimate Gallery | 4,354 views]
Yangliuqing New Year Pictures: The Ultimate Gallery

Although New Year pictures are produced everywhere throughout China, there are four most famous schools. They have different features, advantages, and leading positions. Taohuawu and Yangliuqing paintings represent art appreciation of people in the cities; Wuqiang new year pictures arise from rural areas as pure peasant art, and has a strong rustic country flavor.

Here I collected a few sets of Yangliuqing new year pictures. Hope you will like them. If you want know more about new year pictures from Yangliuqing, you may read this great article provided by chinaculture.org

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[23 Feb 2010 | One Comment | 5,958 views]
60 Years of Tiger on Zodiac Year Postage Stamps

So far, more than 90 countries and territories in the world have issued Chinese zodiac stamps. Here, I present a few tiger zodiac postage stamps which are dedicated to the world’s “Tigers”. Best wishes to everyone a healthy and happy year of the tiger!

This year is a Geng-yin Year of the Tiger. It is interesting that 60 years ago on last Gengyin Year of the Tiger, the world’s first Chinese zodiac stamp was born in Japan – of course, it was a Tiger stamp.

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[20 Feb 2010 | Comments Off on Cloth Tiger: Blessing from the King of All Animals | 4,396 views]
Cloth Tiger: Blessing from the King of All Animals

Chinese folk cloth tiger is one of the most widely circulated toys. In a Chinese mind, tiger can help drive off evil and avoid disasters, is an auspicious symbol of peace, and also can protect one’s wealth.

Fifth day of in May of Lunar Calendar Year is Dragon Boat Festival. One of the popular customs is to make cloth tiger for children, or to paint a tiger face on the child’s forehead with Realgar. It means healthy, strong and brave.

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[30 Dec 2009 | Comments Off on Top 10 Traditional Chinese Arts that Foreigners Like Most | 9,269 views]
Top 10 Traditional Chinese Arts that Foreigners Like Most

During the 29th Olympic Games held in Beijing in summer 2008, Chinese government had also organized lots of exhibitions, trying to introduce more about China to athletes and tourists from all over the world. Among these exhibitions, traditional Chinese art had taken an important part.

Obviously, visitors were all astonished by the huge diversity and artistic delicacy of Chinese traditional art. They experienced a deep impression of oriental culture from them. So somebody summed up a list of top 10 Chinese traditional arts that foreigners like most.