Articles in the Story Category
Chengyu »
However, 20 months ago, when Geithner was testifying at the same place as “candidate” for the US Secretary of Treasury, he said, “Obama has strong evidence showing China IS manipulating the currency exchange rate.”
Why are his states inconsistent? I guess it must have something to do with his position then and now. It reminds me a popular Chinese idiom about such self-contradictory. It comes with a 2000+ years old story, told by Legalist Han Feizi.
Chengyu »
In Chinese culture, “nobody dislikes too many gifts”. Gift-giving is one of the best channels to maintain good relationships. This principle applies to personal as well as business relationships.
Gifts could also be non-material. A Chinese proverb says, “To walk a thousand li and present a swan feather; the gift is light but the friendship is solid”. It means the value of a gift lies in the giver’s good will and mind, rather than the value of the gift itself.
Chengyu »
Today let me begin the story with a popular music video (one of the most viewed on youtube with 89+ million views as of today). In the song, the lyrics say “It’s too late to apologize…”. However, I kind of agree with one of commentator said: it’s NEVER too late to apologize. In everyday life, in our social or romantic relationships, when mistakes and misunderstandings happen, we need to apologize to mend the damage.
Chengyu »
Cats are our friends. In China, we think cat is the teacher of other cats such as tiger. Why? Because cat can do what tiger cannot do: climbing a tree.
The other thing that always puzzles me about domestic cats is that they like eating fish. How could they have evolved to like eating fish while they cannot catch it? I know there are special specie called “fishing cat”, but I think most domestic cats don’t know how to catch fish. Maybe you readers can help me out.
Chengyu »
“Less is more”. This is a popular motto quoted by graphic designers and lots of other professionals. The opposite is also a good one: “More is less.”
Flowers are beautiful as they are, over decorating them only make them ugly; things should be done appropriately, no more, no less. Overdoing a thing only diminishes it.