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Articles tagged with: china carnival

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[21 Oct 2010 | Comments Off on China Carnival #19: Fengshui, Carbon Tax | 1,940 views]
China Carnival #19: Fengshui, Carbon Tax

Welcome to the October 21, 2010 edition of china carnival. We have two posts today. One listed 40 books from which we could learn about “Feng Shui”. The other talked about China’s carbon emission and related environmental economics.

Please enjoy~

Carnival »

[20 Sep 2010 | Comments Off on China Carnival #18: Russian Doll, Dream, Instruments | 1,801 views]
China Carnival #18: Russian Doll, Dream, Instruments

Welcome to the September 20, 2010 edition of china carnival. We have four posts today. Kai talked about his/her China experiences; Gary wrote an interesting post about a Russian doll square in China. Athena have two more posts about Chinese instruments. Please enjoy~

Carnival »

[19 Aug 2010 | Comments Off on China Carnival #17: Great Wall, Acupuncture, Instruments… | 1,307 views]
China Carnival #17: Great Wall, Acupuncture, Instruments…

Welcome to the August 19, 2010 edition of china carnival. We have seven submissions this time. Actually Athena Goodlight submitted four posts but I could only take two for one carnival. Thank her and everyone for your enthusiastic participation. Enjoy the posts!

Carnival »

[19 Jul 2010 | Comments Off on China Carnival #16: Qigong, Martial Arts, Go China | 2,254 views]
China Carnival #16: Qigong, Martial Arts, Go China

Welcome to the July 19, 2010 edition of china carnival. We have three posts today. Chris teaches us the “Secrets of Meditation and Emotional Balance”; InternalMartialArts promotes his “internal martial arts practice”; and Kai Proctor shares her/his decision to leave US and teach English in China (welcome to China, Kai!)

Carnival »

[20 May 2010 | 2 Comments | 2,503 views]
China Carnival #14: Taiwan, Cosmetic Surgeries

Welcome to the May 20, 2010 (#14) edition of china carnival.We have three posts today. Andy shares an excellent travel guide about the OTHER China (“Republic of China”, aka, Taiwan); Isabella talks about surging cosmetic surgeries in China.
