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[14 Jan 2009 | 2 Comments | 1,409 views]

Storyteller: As a Ph. D. student myself, I certainly respect well-educated people. “Knowledge is power”. No matter you are a college computer science professor or a farmer who owns 100 acres of crop field, knowledge is critically important to your work and everyday life.  However, having a high degree does not equally mean one is good at everything, and sometimes, knowing too much can make a simple thing unnecessarily complicated, especially when one wants to show off his knowledge in a wrong scenario.  Here is a good story told by …

Satire »

[9 Jan 2009 | Comments Off on Confucius puzzled by kids | 2,493 views]

Storyteller: Around 2,500 years ago, in ancient China, it was the time of Spring and Autumn period and Warring States period.  Although it was wrought with chaos and bloody battles, it is also known as the Golden Age of Chinese philosophy because various thoughts and ideas were developed and discussed freely, an era of great cultural and intellectual expansion in China.  There are “Hundred Schools of Thought”, and some of them don’t respect the Confucius as others do.  Here is one example.
Confucius puzzled by kids – by LieZi
Confucius was traveling …