Scenic Splendor of China »

[3 Nov 2009 | Comments Off on Top 10 Mountains in China w. Google Earth links (II) | 3,701 views]
Top 10 Mountains in China w. Google Earth links (II)

Three Sacred Mountains of Daocheng consist of three snow peaks: Xian-nai-ri, Yang-mai-yong, Xia-nuo-duo-jie. They are completely separated peaks, but every close to each other, forming a triangle. The geography diversity in this region is gorgeous with snow peaks, cliffs, lakes, prairie, forests, creeks and rivers. When explorer Joseph Rock found this place, he was astonished by the beautiful scene of Yang-Mai-Yong: “Exceptional pyramid-shaped peak Yang-mai-yong, she is the most beautiful snow peak my eyes have ever seen.”

Music »

[29 Oct 2009 | One Comment | 2,892 views]
Chinese Music Classics of 20th Century – II/VI: Songs

Today Chinese music lovers are able to recite complete scores from Bach to Brahms’s; Books such as “Guide to Western Classics”, “300 Western Classical Music” fill the music section of bookstores and personal bookshelves. When it comes to Chinese music, most people would look at each other, without much to talk about.

Chinese lack of awareness of their own music as a whole because that Chinese music had never been in a systematic order, which needs a prerequisite for a broad knowledge of understanding.

Museum »

[26 Oct 2009 | Comments Off on Da Ke Ding Tripod: Another Bronze Ware Treasure | 2,714 views]
Da Ke Ding Tripod: Another Bronze Ware Treasure

Da Ke Ding Tripod is a famous West Zhou Dynasty bronze ware. Together with Big Meng Ding and Maogong Ding, they are the “Three Bronzeware Treasures in Greater China”.

Da Ke Ding Tripod was unearthed in an underground storage in 1890 with 1200+ other bronze wares, including 7 Small Ke Dings, one set of 6 Ke Bells, etc. Da Ke Ding was first bought by Ke Zhao-Min, then given to Pan Zuyin.

Art »

[22 Oct 2009 | 3 Comments | 7,493 views]
Siyi: Four Arts of the Chinese Scholar

How do you show somebody your wit and civilization as a person of learning? Speaking 6 different languages, playing piano or violin, having doctoral degrees, etc., nowadays, the criteria could be pretty diversified in a modern world.

In ancient China, to qualify yourself as a well-educated person, you should learn four skills for your self-cultivation and to prove your talent. These four skills are:

Carnival »

[19 Oct 2009 | One Comment | 1,882 views]
China Carnival #7: Old Beijing, Modern Beijing

Welcome to the October 19, 2009 edition of China Carnival. Although we have only two posts today, they are both about Beijing: Zhu shared some of her pictures about “Old Beijing”; lovelyn told a story about her husband’s “Monkey: A Modern Beijing Opera”. Please enjoy!